Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Are You Saying That It Protrudes Outside The Lips

Sticking out a more information lot Hello i'm a 15 years old and i was wondering if it is normal to have a protruding labia minora.My labia sticks out when i wear a bathing suit, jeans, really anything;And it looks strange.I'm really embarrassed about it and i always wear long shirts so that people don't see that it bulges strangely.Also on the area where my pubic hair grows, the skin sort of sticks out when i wear dresses and i'm really uncomfortable about that too.I just wanted to know if these things could be fixed somehow or if this is really out of the ordinary. Hello, The labia minora is inside the labia majora.Are you saying that it protrudes outside the"Lips"?When a woman's labia seems uneven or too large there is cosmetic surgery to alter this.At your age i would recommend waiting to see how things adjust as you continue to mature-A process that in women can continue to age 19 though often it is completed around your age. Try to be patient about this or discuss it with your family doctor to see if your development is on schedule or True Religion Jeans UK if there are concerns that should be addressed.

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