Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Im Not An Expert In Employment Law Moonjawrecords

Staff angry over center's evangelical changes A waukee church is being criticized by angry parents for forcing child-Care staffers to adhere to christian principles, banning non-Christians, sexually-Active singles, male-Female roommates and practicing homosexuals from employment. On friday, staff members of the happy time preschool daycare received letters informing them that the center was being reorganized into the point of grace children's academy.Previously, the center operated in waukee's point of grace church, but religious affiliation was not stressed there, said former employees and parents. The kindest, most loving christian, one who lives a life of giving, who never turns anyone away regardless of belief or even non-Belief, in their heart they"Know"That non-Christians are damned, that god is going to send them to a supernatural concentration camp to be tortured for all eternity.And that"Knowing"Utterly obliterates every one of the kind and loving thoughts and deeds that preceded it. This is theological blackmail, the taking of hostages on a greater spiritual level, an epistemological shell game, that like any good confidence racket, has a high degree of success up front, which in major religion is measured in conversions. But the inherent dichotomy is fatal.People have a right to express their religious beliefs.That said, christians of this stripe believe they have the"True"Religion and just acting out their narrow interpretation of the bible.I hope the former children, teachers, and administrators of the discontinued child care center can find a new home.The new church run day care center with their narrow interpretation of the bible will now care for the remaining children without the distractions of the"Other. " I hope they are not receiving any type of government funding? And the church sponsoring loses its tax-Exempt status for promoting a political agenda- As a matter of fact-Since the nation seems to be suffering under the collapse of a separation of church and state-I suggest that the state drop all moonjawrecords tax exempt status from all religious institutions-Oops, that will never pass-It would wipe out the deficit too quickly and not give the gopteacons the time to fundraise all religious institution and corporations asap! While i strongly disagree with this sort of practise, the fact of the matter is, the company can create its own hiring practises.For this practise to be legal, they merely have to have the policy explicitely spelled out in an employee handbook and require all employees to sign it.By signing the policy, the employees agree to follow it.If they do not sign the policy, i believe that is legal grounds True Religion OnlineShop for dismissal.Me, i'd quit before signing something that oppressive and intrusive, or resign in protest.As for the concerns about the children, it's a private preschool affiliated with a church, the parents are quite likely to condone the curriculum, or at least ought to know what they're getting into.Were this a public school, however, it would be a clear violation of church and state.For better examples of that, see also, faith-Based abstinence education in texas, school sponsored prayer events in many southern states and creationism being taught in science classes.Private schools are not part of the state and therefore can create whatever curriculum they please, so long as it can demonstrate that the children are being educated well enough to pass the basic standardized tests. I'm not an expert in employment law, but as i understand it, employers set their requirements according to their needs and preferences.For instance, my employer does not permit smoking anywhere on the premises and for a few years now, has been hiring non-Smokers only(And i don't work in a restaurant-Financial services).It's not discrimination if it is a posted requirement not based on gender, age, etc.And, honestly, i think the cheif loophole is the policy agreement-If you sign it, you agree to it, you violate it and the employer has grounds to fire you.I don't agree with the daycare's policies, myself, but i think they are operating within the law as long as they are privately funded.

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